Posted in fitness, food

Catching a cold and turning 22.


This past week hasn’t been the best quality in terms of fitness. Firstly it was for a bad reason – I caught the common cold. But thankfully the second reason was more joyous – my birthday.

I made it to the gym last Monday for a leg session. It was actually a great session. The attachment for the cable machine which I love using for glute kickbacks also turned up again. I was so glad because this is one of my fav exercises at the gym. My routine was pretty much my usual leg day:

Squats – 10 x 20 kg, 40 kg, 50 kg and 2 x 5 at 55 kg

Curtsy lunges – 20 holding 10 kg plate then 10

Pull throughs – 3 x 10 at 12.5 kg

Glute kickbacks – 3 x 10 on each leg at 10 kg

Glute bridges – 3 x 15, hold for 10 then pulse for 10 with 10 kg plate

American deadlifts – 3 x 10 with 30 kg barbell

Stretches to finish.

Then on Wednesday I did a HIIT session of my own outdoors with the sun shining. Yes the sun was shining in Scotland – haha. But Wednesday night was when the cold started to hit. It wasn’t just the common cold either, as my head was constantly pounding and my energy levels were at an all time low. I started to feel better on Friday but thought it was best to wait until my full recovery before working out again. I made myself and my brother a veggie filled lunch to get as many nutrients in as possible to help get rid of this flu.


All I did was throw broccoli, cauliflower, carrot and spinach into a pan along with tuna, a packet of Tilda brown basmati and quinoa, tuna, a tablespoon of Philadelphia and some mixed herbs.  It tasted really good and the volume of veg produced a filling dish. (If you try and make this, microwave or boil the veg for a short time before pan cooking).

Then was Sunday, my birthday and turning the grand old age of 22. I had my fav breakfast pictured below of scrambled eggs on toast with smoked salmon. Delish!


The day ended with a delicious bar meal and a few cheeky cocktails. This was very much an indulgent weekend so this week I plan to get more workouts in, in between my piles of uni work. Hope you all had a great week!

5 thoughts on “Catching a cold and turning 22.

  1. Ellen,
    I hope you feel better now, or are getting better, and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! sorry I didn’t make it over in time but hope that even though you had a cold you were able to pull through and have a good birthday 🙂 22 is young! do you have any new goals for 22? do you feel any older?



    1. Much better thanks was gone in a few days, phew! Aww no worries, I’m getting old haha. My goal fitness wise is always to do more cardio so we’ll see how that goes. How are things with you? 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. HAHAHA! that goal is a great goal and should be my goal too <.< which I have been doing more cardio, 4x a week now. I want to get on the track and do some sprinting is my goal for cardio work but been twitching between the treadmill and arc trainer.
        Things with me are going over well, been studying and feeling like summer is going to bring some fun things my way hopefully. I don't know if I will want to blog when summer hits, I might decide to take summer off! jk.
        You have been doing a good job of staying consistent with your blog, always updatiing us on a more regular basis and sharing some new things.

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