Posted in fitness

A short mish mash workout. 

Yesterday I went to the gym after a long and tiring day of uni amongst other things. My energy levels were well down and although I’ve said this a few times recently it is affecting my performance at the gym. 

My day involved eating a lot of insect brownies and mac and cheese for course mates honours projects. Studying dietetics is great when you hit fourth year, you get so much free food by participating in projects- haha. For this reason I decided to make my short workout mainly cardio  to try and beat the full feeling in my stomach. 

It turned into a bit of a mish mash workout because I ended up doing some weighted exercises too. I was crazy thinking I could go to the gym and not do any weight work at all. I love it too much. I will go back to the gym today where my energy levels will be improved and I’ll get a proper workout done. 

Anyway here’s my mish mash routine:

Treadmill run for 12 minutes as pictured above 

10 full press ups, 10 press ups on my knees

Overhead extensions 3 x 10 using a 7 kg medicine ball

This workout only lasted around 20 minutes in total but it still made me feel better after a long day! 

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